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Staples are OUT!!
Tuesday April 21st 2015, 8:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hi Everyone!! I wanted to do this post yesterday, but we were SO busy! The day started with Bruce getting his staples out ….. I’ll start from the beginning. Lol.

My husband and I were getting ready to go early in the morning. We like to be the first ones to the vet’s office, so our special boy can be seen as soon as possible. And yesterday was an important day! Bruce was getting his staples removed! As we were all walking to the car, my husband was adjusting Bruce so he could get a good handle on his body. (My husband is so strong! He can just lift up my 105 lb Bruce like it’s nothing). Well, Bruce surprised us both, by jumping into the car all by himself! And, he didn’t falter, or miss a step, he glided into the back like a pro! Now, when I say car, I really mean a Dodge Journey midsize crossover SUV. So, it’s not something that is super low to the ground. But, never-the-less, my boy just jumped right up there! I can’t believe how strong and agile he is, after just TWO weeks from his surgery!

We arrived at the vet’s office, and we were taken to a smaller examination room. I suspected it would take  awhile to remove the staples, I wasn’t sure … The nice nurse took my boy to the back, and Dr. O’Keefe came in. He wanted to tell us that Bruce has recovered remarkably well. We discussed Bruce’s “allergy” reaction to whatever the heck that was … and Bruce’s symptoms are practically gone. Dr. O’Keefe was pleased with the outcome. Next my husband and I were escorted out of the small examination room to the hallway, where we would wait for Bruce. It only took about 10-15 minutes to get all of his staples removed. It was a lot faster than I could have hoped. 🙂

So, back to the house we went. I was glad, because I still have a full time job … Yes, I still have to do the standard 9a – 5p work week. BUT, lucky for me, half of my work week is spent at home! So, even though I was busy with work yesterday, I still had time to cuddle with my Mighty Bruce throughout the day!

Later that evening (after I was through with work) we gave Bruce his first bath since his surgery. We had to wait until the staples were out. And, boy did he need it! Lol. He was getting quite stinky. Giving him a bath went just fine. Nothing traumatic happened, and he just stood in the tub and let us scrub his big body. Bruce never fusses when it’s time to take a bath, he enjoys it really. His most favorite part is AFTER the bath, when he gets a rub down with the towel from his mom (me!)! And this time was not any different! He really does like taking baths! And, when we’re all done, and his fur has been tussled up, he just looks SO darn cute!!

After the bath, we wrapped his elbow. His pressure sore is getting better. It is not as bruised. But, I still think we should keep it wrapped until it is fully healed. And, Bruce gets to have a different colored sock everyday! Today it is light blue! Lol. The colors are really just for my amusement. Haha! He looks so darn cute in them!

Bruce is so amazing! He is running in the yard now! He is playing again with all his toys; there are tennis balls, his baby rhino, a pink pig, and an elephant that also serves as his tugging toy! He is eating very healthy, and drinking water all the time. He is very close to being back to his old self. This whole event has gone so much better than I could have ever anticipated! I am so thankful! And, it does help to have an awesome dog who can adjust well, and quickly! Bruce is no longer on any pain meds. I am not sure if I should renew the tramadol precripion he was on …. My husband thinks we should wait a couple of days and see how Bruce does without it before making that decision. Besides that Bruce has a few more days of anti-biotic meds to take and then that will be all gone to!

Now that Bruce is getting back some of his energy, I am wondering how long should we wait to take him back to the park. It is not a dog park. It is just a stretch of a grassy area behind our house, within walking distance. And, there’s a little creek there as well. There is never anybody else in the park, and certainly no other dogs. Perhaps soon. I don’t want him to go and get SO tired that he doesn’t enjoy his time there. Maybe only take him for 15 minutes or so?? Anyway, I am looking forward to a trip to the park in the future.

Thank you all for reading. I know it is lengthy. I hope you enjoy the posts. I have a few more pictures, and a video! (I’ve never posted a video before, so hopefully I can figure it out! Lol.) I will post them probably later tonight. (I’m not actually home at the moment, so it’ll have to wait). Please keep commenting, and giving any advice you might have. This is all a learning process for us.

Love from Sabre and Bruce!

2 Comments so far

Not lengthy at all!!! I LOVE reading this delightful update!! Waaaay to go Bruce!!!

This just has me grinning ear tonear! I’m soooo happy for Bruce AND for you!! Bruce is living life to the fullest and loving it!!

I’m more in the conservative side when it comes to monitoring their activity level for the first thirty days. According to some vets, it takes avout thirty days for miscles, joints, etc. adjust to the new mobility in three legs. In my non professional opinion, I would think about fifteen minutes would be just fine. It would give him a sense of “normalcy” a d that’s always good for the soul!! Some dogs monitor their activity level in their own and tke plenty of rest stops when tired…some will play ton0 the point of exhaustion!

Oh, as far as the Tramadol…and this is just me….I like to have a little bit on hand in case my dog gets some sort of pain from a pulled muscle or whatever, because things like that always seem happen on week ends!

Keep these great updates coming!!! Cannot wait to see more pics and videos!! YAAAAAAAAAY FOR BRUCE AND YAAAAAAAAAY FOR SABRE!!!! Great job!!

Happy hugs to all!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

PS! I think getting staples out calls for ice scoop of ice cream on all that healthy food Bruce is eating!!

   benny55 on 04.21.15 @ 9:11 pm    Reply

This is a wonderful update!! I’m so glad that Bruce is getting back to his old self and hopping up in the car on his own….AMAZING!!! The resilience of our fur kids is just astounding!!

And I’m with Sally on having some pain medication on hand. Just in the event that Bruce starts appearing uncomfortable you could get him some relief a more quickly. You’d hate for something to happen over the weekend when your regular vet may be closed and then incur the expense of an emergency vet or wait till your regular vet is open.

You guys are doing a great job!!
Sahana and her Angel Leland

   leland4 on 04.22.15 @ 2:11 pm    Reply

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