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Bruce is Getting Better! Whew!
Saturday April 18th 2015, 12:58 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hi Everyone! I have an update on my Mighty Bruce! Last post I described some allergic reaction symptoms to “something”.

Well, since we’ve went to see Dr. O’Keefe this past Thursday Bruce has improved greatly! I am so relieved! It is now Saturday morning. Bruce’s ears are not puffy anymore, and are back to normal. His nose has stopped dripping, and his saliva from his mouth is back under control. Earlier this week he was scratching/itching under his chin. That has now stopped. However, he does have a little scabby area under his chin that needs to heal fully, nothing a little anti-biotic ointment won’t heal. So, the additional meds we got from our doctor certainly helped!

Now, an update on why we joined this page, his amputation surgery. Lol. Bruce’s surgery site is healing super well! Dr. O’Keefe is very pleased, and quite frankly impressed, that the surgery site has healed SO well. There is no sign of deteriorating tissue around the site. The bruising is completely gone! This upcoming Monday, 4/20/15, Bruce will be getting his staples out! We are SO excited!

I really have to commend my dog, my Bruce. Besides being the cutest stud-muffin I’ve ever seen, he is VERY strong. And, I mean strong, in a way that this whole thing he is going through hasn’t gotten him down. Of course, having cancer doesn’t phase him, he doesn’t understand the concept. He is still my happy fur-baby that he has always been. He has such a good demeanor, he is very well behaved, and I think that helps. He’s just really mellow and chill, as he’s always been.

These first (almost) two weeks have been a little ruff, I’m not gonna lie. But, only because I understand what is happening to him. But, my job now is just to LOVE him, hold him, and squeeze him! I’m going to give him everything he needs, everything he wants! I’m going to make his life FULL! I want to thank everyone for their comments, advice and support! You all are the best!

Love from Sabre and Bruce!


2 Comments so far


So glad things are looking ul! A d you will continue to see his sparkle come back more and more. For my Happy Hannah it was about three weeks before I could really see that sparkle on a fairly continuous basis. Id say five weeks everything was, not only back to nor al, but even better than before!!

You have a great attitude! Continue to remind yourself how blissfully unaware Bruce is of any stupid ole diagnosis. It means NOTHING to him. And that’s why we all strive to BE MORE DOG around here!

Sending lots and lots of hugs!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

   benny55 on 04.18.15 @ 4:15 pm    Reply

Thank dawg!! I am so hoppy to hear that Bruce is on the mend and that allergic reaction, whatever it was, is whupped. Isn’t it amazing how resilient our dogs are? Bruce is obviously demonstrating how to Be more Dog and doing a fine job of it. Love your attitude, the best we can do is to live life to the fullest with our furry friends. We just need to look to them to show us how!

Martha, Codie Rae, and the Oaktown Pack

   Codie Rae on 04.18.15 @ 10:59 pm    Reply

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